... gjentakbarhet","Visual weld monitoring and technical documentation":"Visuell sveiseovervåking og teknisk dokumentasjon","Automated welding proces, on site":"Automatisert sveiseprosess, på stedet","The new automated Lipp welding process will again shake up tank construction market just as the well established Lipp double fold system did decades ago. It is a perfect combination of the long experience in metal...
Portefølje (78)
... particularly position AVOLA at the forefront of the competition in terms of safety. Currently, the product range includes 30 saws that the family-owned company designs and manufactures in Germany. This includes construction circular saws for civil engineering and deep construction, under-table miter saws for carpentry and timber frame construction, as well as stone cutting saws for construction sites and...
Portefølje (35)
Storbritannia, Derby
Sivilingeniører, Arkitektoniske og ingeniøraktiviteter og relaterte tekniske konsulenttjenester...

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