... utskriftskontroll","Servo drives":"Servo-drivere","Marking printing devices":"Merkingsutskriftsenheter","automatic reel change":"automatisk rullbytte","full-surface, double-sided face sealing":"fulloverflate, dobbeltsidig frontforsegling","Additional devices:":"","Tear-off thread with tip cut":"Rivetråd med spisskutt","clocked forehead sealing":"tidsbestemt frontforsegling","Product insertion control":"Produktinnsettingskontroll","two film rolls":"to filmruller","external control devices":"eksterne kontrollenheter","Paper cutting knife":"Papirkutterkniv"}...
Portefølje (3)
Tyskland, Eggenstein-Leopoldshafen
... formingstasjonen og fjerne dem hvis de feiler.","Cutting, stamping and bending device for radial components":"Kutting, stempling og bøyningsenhet for radiale komponenter","Because the CO93 only accepts components on tape, either reeled or ammo pack formats are acceptable. Also because of its flexibility, the CO93 allows the processing of components taped on 12.7 mm and 15 mm spacing by using easy-to-change...
Portefølje (41)