Belgia, La Hulpe
... degree of purity and the processing techniques used. Its texture is generally dense and creamy, melting easily into a silky oil when applied to the skin. It has a natural sweet scent, slightly smoky, with nutty undertones. This butter is rich in essential fatty acids, vitamins A and E, and antioxidants, making it an excellent product for moisturizing and protecting the skin.
Portefølje (15)
Belgia, Anderlecht
... traditional lamps. Olive oil originally came from the Mediterranean, but today it is used worldwide.":"Oljen brukes i kosmetikk, medisin, matlaging og såper, og ble også brukt som drivstoff for tradisjonelle lamper. Olivenolje kom opprinnelig fra Middelhavet, men i dag brukes den over hele verden.","Appearance":"Utseende","Density":"Tetthet","0.9135g/cm3":"0.9135g/cm3","Product name":"Produktnavn","225 °C":"225 °C","Refractive":"Refraktiv","Flash Point":"Flammepunkt","1.467-1.471":"1.467-1.471","Odor":"Lukt","Insoluble in water":"Uoppløselig i vann"}...

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